Monday, January 4, 2010

So... ok... I didn't remain vegetarian (damn bacon) or continue to workout regularly like I wrote in my last blog in June. Today I am starting over (again). I'm starting the cleansing fast (there are still calories in the lemonade so it's not completely fasting) and I am going to start the EA Active 30 day challenge today (thanks Kelly!). Here's to a fresh start and staying on track.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Becoming Vegetarian

I made it 7 days on the cleansing fast and have not eaten meat in 41 days. After reading about what happens to meat in the digestive system, it totally made sense not to eat meat. I was constantly having digestive issues before the fast. Although my weight is at a plateau right now, I do feel much better. My next goal is to start working out regularly. I am going to start tomorrow. Putting it in writing seems to give me more incentive to stick to it. Although I only have one follower, knowing that someone else has read this makes me feel like I would be letting them down if I don't stick to what I write. So... here's to sticking to it!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Cleansing Body and Mind

Believe it or not, I am in the 5th day of a cleansing fast. This is my second attempt but I know that I am going to follow through this time. I am amazed at how good I feel and how my mental clarity has increased. Although... part of the mental clarity could stem from the lack of alcohol. I plan on doing the fast for the suggested 10 days. I am hoping this will be a great jump start to eating a healthy diet. My high blood pressure and swollen, water logged ankles have made me realize that I have to take control of my body and start treating it correctly. This fast is supposed to cleanse all the toxins from your body and make your digestive system work properly. Hopefully, I will want to keep my internal body clean like when you clean the house and hate to dirty it up again. I thought it was going to be harder to do this alone (my husband attempted it with me last time) but it is actually easier. I don't have to listen to him whine about how he's starving to death lol. It's all downhill starting tomorrow!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

One door closes, another opens

When my husband lost his job last month, I thought it was the end of the world. But... as my mother used to say, "when one door closes, another opens." He found out yesterday that he has been accepted for a position with a new company that I think will be a much better fit for him. I am so greatful that his unemployment was short lived. So many people in his position have been unemployed for months with no prospects in sight. We are very blessed and I pray for the other unemployed people to be blessed, too. It's still going to be tough to get caught up on the bills but at least we have the chance to do that. Thank you Lord for the hard times that make us appreciate the good times.

Monday, April 6, 2009


Lately I've been wondering how I ended up at the juncture in my life. I know, I know... all my decisions up until this point put me here but I am pondering why I made those decisions. I seem to have just made decisions and then pushed on to the next section of my life without really analyzing why I made those decisions. There were some circumstances that warranted quick decisions (not really an excuse for bad decisions). I know people say you shouldn't dwell on the past and just live in the present but... I think I need to review the past before I make more mistakes.

Friday, March 27, 2009

My First Blog

So... I have just finished setting up my blog. It actually makes me a little nervous. I used to keep a journal years ago but lost it during one of the many moves I have made. I never started a new one. I'm not sure why. I really enjoyed writing in my old journal. It was sort of cathartic. I am hoping by starting this blog that I can somehow bring back a little of the old me that I miss. I've lost more than that old journal. I've lost being in touch with myself. I am going to start trying to do things that I have not done for quite some time like reading for pleasure, going for long walks, and being more in touch with family members I haven't seen for awhile. My husband lost his job yesterday so I guess he will be doing some soul searching, too. Here's to new beginnings!